Charter: Self Development Charter School dba Self Development Academy-Mesa CTDS: 078796000
This is a notification that the above-mentioned charter school will be having a public hearing and board meeting to adopt its Fiscal Year 2021 Expenditure Budget.
Meeting date: 7/9/2020 Time: 1:30 PM
Street address: 1709 N Greenfield Rd
Bldg.: Rm./Ste.:
City: Mesa State: AZ Zip: 85205
A copy of the agenda of the matters to be discussed or decided at the meeting may be obtained by contacting:
Contact name: Anjum Majeed Phone: 480-641-2640
Email address: [email protected] Phone ext.:
The information above is posted on ADE’s website pursuant to A.R.S. §15-905(C) and is not intended to satisfy Open Meeting Law requirements under A.R.S. §38-431.02 et seq.

FY 2021 Summary of charter school proposed budget

CTDS number 078796000
1000 Schoolwide Project Totals % The budget of Self Development Charter School (d.b.a. Self Development Academy-Mesa) for fiscal year 2021 was officially proposed by the Governing Board on June 19, 2020. The complete budget may be reviewed by contacting Anjum Mjaeed at 4806412640 or [email protected].
Prior year Budget year Increase/
100 Regular Education 2020 2021 Decrease
1000 Instruction 2,511,070 2,511,070 0.0%
Support Services
2100 Students 154,200 154,200 0.0%
2200 Instruction 20,000 20,000 0.0% Totals %
2300 General Administration 10,000 10,000 0.0% Special education programs Prior year Budget year Increase/
2400 School Administration 620,000 620,000 0.0%     2020 2021 Decrease
2500 Central Services 0 0 Total all disability classifications 70,000 70,000 0.0%
2600 Operation & Maintenance of Plant 65,000 65,000 0.0% Gifted education 12,000 12,000 0.0%
2900 Other Support Services 35,000 35,000 0.0% ELL Incremental costs 6,150 6,150 0.0%
3000 Operation of Noninstructional Services 0 0 ELL Compensatory Instruction 6,150 6,150 0.0%
4000 Facilities Acquisition & Construction 0 0 Remedial education 0 0
5000 Debt Service 0 0 Vocational and Technical Ed. 0 0
610 School-Sponsored Cocurricular Activities 0 0 Career education 0 0
620 School-Sponsored Athletics 0 0 Total 94,300 94,300 0.0%
630, 700, 800, 900 Other Programs 0 0
Regular Education Subtotal 3,415,270 3,415,270 0.0% Expenses by project
200 Special Education Totals %
1000 Instruction 86,100 86,100 0.0% Prior year Budget year Increase/
Support Services   2020 2021 Decrease
2100 Students 0 0 Schoolwide 3,501,370 3,501,370 0.0%
2200 Instruction 0 0 Classroom Site Projects 222,250 222,250 0.0%
2300 General Administration 0 0 Instructional Improvement 40,000 40,000 0.0%
2400 School Administration 0 0 English Language Learner 6,150 6,150 0.0%
2500 Central Services 0 0 ELL Compensatory Instruction 6,150 6,150 0.0%
2600 Operation & Maintenance of Plant 0 0 Federal Projects 0 0
2900 Other Support Services 0 0 State Projects 0 0
3000 Operation of Noninstructional Services 0 0 Capital acquisitions 410,000 410,000 0.0%
4000 Facilities Acquisition & Construction 0 0 Total expenses 4,185,920 4,185,920 0.0%
5000 Debt Service 0 0
Special Education Subtotal 86,100 86,100 0.0% Average teacher salary
300 Special Ed.Disability Title 8 PL 103-382 Add-On
400 Pupil Transportation 0 0 Average salary of all teachers employed in the budget year 2021 50,863
530 Dropout Prevention Programs 0 0 Average salary of all teachers employed in the prior year 2020 50,863
540 Joint Career & Tech. Ed. & Voc. Ed. Center 0 0 Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year 2020 0
550 K-3 Reading 0 0 Percentage increase 0.0%
Total 3,501,370 3,501,370 0.0% Comments on average salary calculation (optional):
Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2018 46,480
Total percentage increase in average teacher salary since FY 2018 9.4%

Self Development Charter School dba Self Development Academy-Mesa

Board Meeting

July 9, 2020

1:30 p.m.

1709 N. Greenfield Rd, Mesa, AZ 85205


Posted: June 19, 2020 at 4:00 P.M.

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of Self Development Charter School dba Self Development Academy-Mesa Board of Directors (“Board”) and to the general public that Self Development Charter School dba Self Development Academy-Mesa will hold a meeting open to the public on July 9, 2020, beginning at 1:30 P.M. to be held at 1709 North Greenfield Road, Mesa, Arizona, 85205.



1. Call to order/Welcome

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Public Hearing on SY 2020-2021

4. Adoption of Budget

5. School Report

6. Call to the Public.

This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not on the agenda. Therefore, action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.

7. Adjourn

A copy of the agenda background material provided to School members is available for public inspection at the School’s office, 1709 North Greenfield Road, Mesa, Arizona, 85205.